
穩健數位資產攜手 CoinDesk Indices 推出「WinCan CoinDesk 20 主動管理策略」

WinCan Digital Assets Management Partners with CoinDesk Indices to Launch the WinCan CoinDesk 20 Actively Managed Strategy

New actively managed product delivers one-stop access to the digital asset landscape. 

TAIWAN, 1 October 2024 – WinCan Digital Assets PE Fund, a leading fintech company in Taiwan, today announced a collaboration with CoinDesk Indices, a leading provider of digital asset indices since 2014, to launch the WinCan CoinDesk 20 Actively Managed Strategy. The CoinDesk 20 has garnered unprecedented interest among global institutional market participants and is now available for professional investors in the Taiwan market.

Since 2018, WinCan has been committed to providing quality asset management and investment services based on emerging blockchain technology. This WinCan CoinDesk 20 Actively Managed Strategy, the first of its kind in Taiwan, aims to offer a more flexible cryptocurrency investment solution, enabling investors to adjust their asset allocation in a systematic manner.

Ryan Hsu, CEO of WinCan Digital Assets stated, "The launch of WinCan CoinDesk 20 Actively Managed Strategy marks one more innovative breakthrough for the WinCan team in the FinTech field. We believe that this new product will help more investors find broader investment opportunities in the complex cryptocurrency market, achieving steady long-term performance."

“The CoinDesk 20 is built for trading and has been designed with liquidity, diversification benefits, and implementation in mind. Since its launch, we have seen unprecedented institutional demand, " said Alan Campbell, President, CoinDesk Indices. "We are thrilled WinCan will be launching an actively managed strategy, leveraging the CoinDesk 20, to further investment opportunities in broad-based, diversified digital asset exposure.”  

Introduction of the CoinDesk 20 Index

Launched in January 2024, the CoinDesk 20 Index addresses the growing demand for diversified exposure to the cryptocurrency market. Designed to track the performance of the top digital assets that collectively represent approximately 90% of the global crypto market capitalization, the CoinDesk 20 Index serves as a broad-based index for traders seeking options beyond bitcoin and ether.*


The CoinDesk 20 Index has quickly gained traction, with leading market-making firms and global participants generating an impressive $7.5 billion in perpetual futures volume over the past nine months. This highlights the index's role as a highly liquid and actively traded benchmark in the digital asset space. With automatic rebalancing every quarter, the CoinDesk 20 Index is tailored for scalability, meeting liquidity and exchange-listing requirements.

Key features of WinCan CoinDesk 20 Actively Managed Strategy:

  • Actively Managed Portfolio: Tracks the CoinDesk 20 Index with a moderate discretionary element where WinCan can diverge from the index with the aim to generate extra alpha in a prudent manner.
  • Dynamic Allocation Adjustments: WinCan will conduct market research and analysis to adjust the portfolio’s e-cash reserve balance in response to market changes.
  • Basket Investment: With approximately 50% exposure in bitcoin and ethereum, the second largest constituent, and 50% exposure to the other top cryptocurrencies, the CoinDesk 20 portfolio applies a capped market capitalization weighted methodology to ensure diversification
  • Regular review: Quarterly rebalancing to reduce concentration risks and ensure diversified  investments. Market capitalization weighted with a 30% cap on the largest constituent (currently bitcoin) and a 20% cap on all other members.

With the launch of this new product, WinCan Digital Assets Management is committed to providing a holistic solution that better captures opportunities in the rapidly changing cryptocurrency landscape and achieving steady asset growth. This partnership marks a significant development in driving fintech innovation, demonstrating the company' market insight and dedication in the crypto market developments. 

For more information on the WinCan CoinDesk 20 Actively Managed Strategy please contact admin@wincandigital.com

For more information on the CoinDesk 20 please visit www.coindesk.com/indices/coindesk20.


*As of 8/30/2024. The digital asset market is represented by the CoinDesk Market Index (CMI).

About WinCan Digital Asset PE Fund

WinCan Digital Assets PE Fund is a financial institution focused on providing digital asset investment and management services. The company is dedicated to offering secure, transparent, and professional digital asset solutions for individual and institutional investors. These solutions include cryptocurrency portfolio management, market analysis, risk control, and investment strategy development. Utilizing advanced technology and rigorous risk management systems, WinCan ensures effective protection of clients' assets while achieving long-term growth. The core values of WinCan are integrity, professionalism, and innovation, aiming to help clients succeed in the digital asset sector. Discover more at www.wincandigital.com 

About CoinDesk Indices

Since 2014, CoinDesk Indices has been at the forefront of the digital asset revolution, empowering investors globally. A portfolio company of the Bullish group, our indices form the foundation of some of the world's largest digital asset products. Known for their precision and compliance, flagships such as the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (XBX) and the CoinDesk 20 Index set the industry standard for measuring, trading, and investing in digital assets. With tens of billions of dollars in benchmarked assets, CoinDesk Indices is a trusted partner. Discover more at coindeskmarkets.com.



For media inquiries, please contact:


CoinDesk Indices:
Emma Martin, Allison Worldwide: coindesk@allisonworldwide.com 


WinCan Digital Assets PE Fund Disclaimer:

Business Model
WinCan is a global digital asset PE Fund company.

All transactions involve risk. The potential loss from trading or holding digital assets can be substantial. Therefore, you should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you based on your financial condition.

Regulatory Environment
Digital assets, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, are not money or legal tender and are not backed by any government or central bank. WinCan complies with the regulations of the countries in which it operates and regularly engages with regulators and industry peers to determine best practices for digital asset regulation. The company does not accept clients from jurisdictions where digital asset trading is explicitly prohibited or sanctioned.

CoinDesk Indices Disclaimer

CoinDesk Indices, Inc. ("CDI") is a portfolio company of the Bullish group. CDI does not sponsor, endorse, sell, promote or manage any investment offered by any third party that seeks to provide an investment return based on the performance of any index. CDI is neither an investment adviser nor a commodity trading advisor and makes no representation regarding the advisability of making an investment linked to any CDI index. CDI does not act as a fiduciary. A decision to invest in any asset linked to a CDI index should not be made in reliance on any of the statements set forth in this document or elsewhere by CDI. All content contained or used in any CDI index (the "Content") is owned by CDI and/or its third-party data providers and licensors, unless stated otherwise by CDI. CDI does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, adequacy, validity or availability of any of the Content. CDI is not responsible for any errors or omissions, regardless of the cause, in the results obtained from the use of any of the Content. CDI does not assume any obligation to update the Content following publication in any form or format. © 2024 CoinDesk Indices, Inc. All rights reserved.



穩健數位資產攜手 CoinDesk Indices 推出「WinCan CoinDesk 20 主動管理策略」

- 全新主動管理策略,拓展頂級加密貨幣投資的途徑。

【台灣,2024年10月1日】台灣領先的金融科技公司穩健數位資產 (WinCan Digital Assets PE Fund),今日宣布與自2014年以來領先的數位資產指數提供商CoinDesk Indices合作,推出「WinCan CoinDesk 20主動管理策略」,在機構市場參與者中引起了強烈關注,現已正式向台灣投資者開放。這也是目前CoinDesk Indices在台灣市場的第一家合作夥伴。



WinCan CoinDesk 20主動管理策略」為不同的加密貨幣投資市場量身定制。無論投資者是承擔較高風險,或偏好保守策略,此產品均可根據市場變化靈活調整資產配置,以滿足不同的風險投資需求

穩健數位資產執行長Ryan Hsu表示:「WinCan CoinDesk 20主動管理策略的推出,標誌著穩健團隊在金融科技領域的又一創新突破。我們相信,這款新產品將幫助更多投資者在複雜的加密貨幣市場中找到更廣泛的投資機會,實現穩健的長期資產增長。」

CoinDesk Indices總裁Alan Campbell則表示:「CoinDesk 20自推出以來,受到了前所未有的機構需求,我們很高興WinCan將利用CoinDesk 20推出主動管理策略,進一步拓展數位資產投資機會,提供更廣泛的分散化數位資產投資。」

CoinDesk 20指數介紹

CoinDesk 20指數於2024年1月推出,旨在滿足對加密貨幣市場分散投資需求的增長。該指數追蹤的數位資產代表約全球加密市場市值的90%,為尋求比特幣和以太幣以外選項的交易者提供一個廣泛的基準。

CoinDesk 20指數迅速獲得市場關注,全球市場參與者和主要做市商在過去九個月內產生了高達75億美元的永久期貨交易量。該指數具備高度流動性,並成為數位資產領域內活躍交易的基準,每季度自動再平衡,旨在滿足市場的流動性與上市要求。

WinCan CoinDesk 20主動管理策略的關鍵特點:

  • 主動管理投資組合:除了追蹤CoinDesk 20指數,同時保留部分主觀操作空間,WinCan將以穩健的方式尋求超額報酬(Alpha)。
  • 動態調整資產配置:根據市場研究與分析,WinCan動態調整組合中的現金儲備,因應市場變化。
  • 一籃子投資組合:約50%的資產配置於比特幣與第市值二大幣種資產,其餘配置於較小型的加密貨幣,為投資者提供一個綜合性大型搭配高成長潛力的加密資產投資組合。
  • 定期檢視再平衡:每季度進行再平衡,分散配置潛力幣種以降低集中風險,確保投資的安全性。對最大市值幣種(目前是比特幣)設有30%的上限,對其他幣種也設定有20%的上限(目前以太幣為20%)。


如需更多關於WinCan CoinDesk 20主動管理策略的資訊,請來信:admin@wincandigital.com

關於更多CoinDesk 20指數的資訊,請訪問:www.coindesk.com/indices/coindesk20

【關於WinCan Digital Assets PE Fund穩健數位資產

穩健數位資產私募基金(WinCan Digital Asset PE Fund)是一家專注於提供數位資產投資與管理服務的私募基金機構,致力於為高淨值投資人及機構投資者提供安全、透明且專業的數位資產解決方案。其服務範圍包括加密貨幣投資組合、市場分析、風險控制及投資策略開發。透過先進的技術與嚴謹的風險管理體系,穩健團隊確保在實現長期成長的同時有效保護客戶資產。穩健數位資產的核心價值觀為誠信、專業與創新,致力於幫助客戶在數位資產領域取得成功。 

關於CoinDesk Indices】

自2014年以來,CoinDesk Indices一直站在數位資產革命的最前沿,為全球投資者提供服務。作為Bullish集團旗下的投資組合公司,CoinDesk Indices的指數構成了全球最大數位資產產品的基礎。旗下的CoinDesk比特幣價格指數(XBX)和CoinDesk 20指數產品,憑藉其精確性與合規性,已成為衡量、交易及投資數位資產的行業標準。